Monday, November 14, 2011

Speak Now, While We Still Can!

To Whom it May Concern:

I watched the debate on CBS on Saturday night with an open mind, but after 90 minutes of an almost total black out of Ron Paul, I was angry and upset. It is obvious what your media outlet is doing to Dr Paul, as well as most other so-called unbiased media outlets.

Call it what it is- a blatant avoidance of a man who only speaks truth and follows our nation's Constitution to the letter. He is avoided because he does not buy into unconstitutional wars, and he wants to bring all of the troops home. Why else would he receive more donations from active military than all of the other candidates combined?

You should be ashamed of yourselves. You are not journalists- you are slaves to lobbyists and foreign powers. Thank you for your time.

Jane Hargadon
Concerned Citizen

Thursday, November 10, 2011

"The Establisment's U.S. Catholic Church"

Raymond Arroyo:

How can you go on discussing the presidential race and not mention Congressman Ron Paul. I find it troubling if not sinful, to not honestly cover the full story. What gives you the authority to pick who you will ignore. Are you the Catholic political guru?

We first noticed your unbalanced coverage about a month ago. We complained when you gave Rick "Gardasil" Perry about a two minute spot on your "The World Over", by airing a video of Perry's stump speech on faith.

Then two weeks ago, you continued shilling for the establishment. Dr. Paul had just won the Ohio straw poll, the California straw poll and the Value Voters straw poll! But in your Buchanan interview, you backed Pat into a corner, only bringing up certain candidates. You neither asked him about Dr. Paul, nor asked Buchanan who he liked.

We asked Chris Manion what he thought could be your motivation? Here is his read:
"The bishops receive approximately three billion a year from the government.
Ron Paul would end that.
Raymond likes bishops.

This week, you did it again. You allowed an establishment talking head to canonize Newt without even mentioning Ron Paul. Congressman Paul easily polls at his 5% minimum cut-off, but you said nothing. Maybe you should have Chris Manion on for a political segment. He isn't afraid to mention Dr. Paul's name.