Sunday, April 9, 2017

False Flag 101

   My first experience with a false flag was at the age of 15.  I didn’t know what it was called, or how it was defined:  (“The contemporary term false flag describes covert operations that are designed to deceive in such a way that activities appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.” Wikipedia)    We just wanted some cheap beer, and figured, as long as we didn’t get caught, what did we have to loose?  
   I was in high school.  These were the years when drinking a few beers seemed to make most things more fun and interesting.  The problem of course, was we were not old enough to get served, and we did not have much money.  So, I came up with the idea to take the spoils from an older group of teenagers, who hung in the same neighborhood, but didn’t hang out with us.  
   My dad was a retired police officer, and he had a few old police hats up in his closet.  Two friends and I, got some flashlights, the police hats, and met at the edge of the woods where the older group always drank their beer.  On our signal, we ran along the path toward their party, making some noise, with flashlights moving around, and occasionally shining on the police hats.  As we approached the clearing of party central, we heard  the party refugees busting through the overgrowth, making their own paths away from what they thought was a police raid.  They ran off without their beer, and it was cold.
   We swore secrecy to each other as we attempted to drown the anxiety with their beer.   What might happen if the older teenagers figured it out?  The reality of our deception struggled with my conscience, to the point that I did not enjoy the spoils as much as I had thought.  That was my last false flag at a personal level.   
   Little did I know then, that my government, and its friends, would base their foreign policy on false flags.  A few that stand out in my opinionated mind are: 
  • The attack on the U.S. Liberty, by our good friend, Israel, killing thirty-some sailors, in an attempt to bring us into the Middle East 6 Day War in 1967, 
  • The Golf of Tonkin which escalated our involvement in the VietNam War.  
  • The Attack on 9-11 which ignited our never ending presence in the Middle East conflict supposedly carried out by Muslims with box cutters.  But no one can explain how the third tower at the World Trade Center, Building 7, was wired with explosives.
  • The Weapons of Mass Destruction, which were used to terrorize our populace into an unconstitutional, and unjust war in Iraq, and they never existed.
  • The 2013 report the Assad gassed his own people, only to find that the gas was administered by “rebels”, who reportedly have received assistance from our government.
and many more.  It is how our government and its friends conduct foreign policy.
   But now we are again told that Assad gassed his own people.  No evidence.  Just believe those who have lied in the past, and rally around our President who has surrounded himself with Zionist war mongers.
   Our foreign policy is based on a lie.  It is evil.  This will not end well unless we return to the Truth.  They control everything, but prayer.  My prayer has recently taken its lead from Jeremiah “my persecutors will stumble, they will not triumph, In their failure they will be put to everlasting shame, to lasting unforgettable confusion.”  Jer 20: 11-12

   Pray that the Lord will destroy our enemies: enemies to the truth, enemies who spread lies and disinformation, enemies to our constitutional and international law, enemies to those who disregard sovereignty, enemies to peace.  Amen!