Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Honest Money Update

During our effort to promote the Honest Money Resolution, some of us took the time to lobby Delegates at the Maryland House. Others promoted the effort to friends and family, and still others networked with existing groups who may be like-minded. I was excited about this resolution and I volunteered to help with all three. I specifically volunteered to contact Save a Patriot to ask for their support.

Save a Patriot’s founder, John Kotmair, was glad to see the effort. He got right on it, and made several suggestions on the wording of the resolution, to make it more constitutionally correct.

When I contacted Joe Arminio, the lead proponent of the Honest Money Resolution in the Maryland Republican Liberty Caucus, he was not interested in considering John’s suggestions, and wished to distance the effort from Mr. Kotmair and his SAP group. I disagreed, and have not received any further updates from Joe. My understanding is that the resolution is awaiting its death in Rules Committee.

If you are interested in John Kotmair’s view of Honest Money, John will be speaking at the Maryland Constitution Party’s Meeting, Saturday morning, April 4th, 10:30 a.m. at the Howard County Central Library.

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