Saturday, December 8, 2012

It's Our Faught Obama Will Ruin Our Country: My Response

(original e-mail is in  bold underline)

Before I say anything, let me apologize if Dale forwarded your e-mail to me against your wishes.   He was correct however in that, "I may have something to say about the matter."      Ron Paul's notions really are very solid thinking, but few Americans paid sufficient attention to those ideas.  Just maybe, "few" paid attention because the "establishment" GOP, who have been instrumental in destroying our constitutional liberties, entangling us in unconstitutional military conflicts around the world, and fanned the fires of debt spending, systematically ignored, cheated, and otherwise minimized his message, along with the presstitutes who consistently displayed incorrect charts and results from polls and elections.

It's easier to just go for a quick sound byte here and there. His message never rose above about 1% or 2% in the Republican primary process.
  Not sure where you got 1 or 2 %?  He actually won about 8 states, inspite of the irregularities that have caused major splits within state GOP memberships.

    In November, assorted constituencies that should have showed up and voted Republican stayed home because the Republican nominee was insufficiently pure to suit their tastes.  The assorted libertarians and tea party types who figured there wasn't much difference between Democrats and Republicans handed the election to the Dems by staying home.  We did not hand Obama the election.  Your party rejected a major movement that fought hard to restore your Good Old Ploys back to the "constitution", but you would have no part of it.  I don't recall you stepping up to give Dr. Paul any words of support.  You have been "blah" on Dr. Paul's message of constitutional liberty, and we know what Jesus says about those who treat truth in this manner.

     We will be reaping the output of that sin of omission for decades to come.  
If this means you seriously blame the only energetic movement in the GOP that was cheated in the primaries, and at the convention.  They changed the rules, and rigged the vote to keep Dr. Paul's name from being nominated from the floor.  Have you no shame???  It's not a sin of omission.  It is a sin against constitutional authority, fiscal responsibility, and TRUTH.

You and I will both die with abortion-on-demand still the "law of the land."  I had hoped to see the day when abortion was finally banished, but I wont live that long. 
Oh, and lets not forget abortion and conscience.  I personally am sickened by the duplicity of you self righteous victims, who ignored the one true candidate who stood for constitutional freedoms.  Check out the early EWTN primary coverage on Raymond Arroyo.  In at least three or four segments, he mentioned every bottom feeder but not Dr. Paul.  In later shows he interviewed much of the dead wood, but not Dr. Paul.  We finally stopped watching and have not since.  No shame?????

The financial insanity of Obama will continue, running up huge debts that can never be paid off, and which no possible Federal-Reserve policy can patch up.  Financial???  Dr. Paul wrote the book on the immoral fiscal direction our country is taking, and please don't pretend that debt spending and lack of control of the private banking cabal, known as the Federal Reserve, is Obama's invention.  You guys spend my great grandkids money on warfare, and they spend it of  welfare.  Both are immoral, and Ron Paul has been the leader in stopping this theft.

     If Ron Paul had tried hard to get his libertarian followers to vote for Romney, the nation's future might not be so gloomy. Instead, Ron Paul gives a farewell speech saying "I told you so" and goes away with his full-pay Congressional   You Son-Of A Bitch!  This man has spent much of his professional life delivering babies and trying to bring our country back on the constitutional track.  He has never taken a lobbyest trip, has voted against many unconstitutional bills many times by himself, and has received more donations from military than all the other candidates together.  He did tell us so!  It is you, and your establishment GOP types, who are responsible for turning a blind eye to the prophetic voice of Consitutional restraints on government.  Truth comes to us in many forms, and Christ himself identifies himself as truth.  Your party rejected a humble man who spoke the truth.  May God have mercy on your soul.

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