Saturday, February 9, 2013

Clear as a Bell

    The hit piece on Frederick County’s constitutional sheriff titled, “Jenkins fans the flames around gun control proposal”, was biased and disrespectful of one for our republic’s treasured offices. 

    You attack his description of this increasing conflict over armaments, as “extraordinarily distasteful”,… “to invoke the deaths of law enforcement officers to bolster his political argument.”  Well how about the “good people” who refuse to be disarmed?  Would you find invoking their deaths distasteful? 

     Rather than reporting on the conflicting information presented at the hearing for SB 281 by one of the lead proponents of O’Malley’s gun grab, Baltimore Co. States Attorney Shallenberger, you take issue with our sheriff’s clear and well stated position.  Shallenberger’s statement, to the effect that this bill will deter a similar incident like at Sandy Hook where a Bushmaster, assault style rifle was used to kill children, conflicts with a report by a major news outlet!  MSNBC's correspondent, Pete Williams stated that only hand guns were used in the incident, and the rifle that was found in the car, never entered the school.  Talk about flaming a fire?

    We are blessed in Frederick County to have a constitutional sheriff.  Jenkins clearly stated: “My job as sheriff is not only to uphold the law, but also to uphold and protect the constitutional rights of the citizens of Frederick County.”  You were right about one thing, “He is the chief law enforcement officer in Frederick Co.”, and as such, he is expected to ignore any pretend legislation that is obviously unconstitutional. He doesn’t need to, “clarify what he means” to your paper, or to anyone else.  He means what he said, and he said it clearly.

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