Friday, May 10, 2013


Ever since i got back into chickens, about a year and a half ago, I have been praying for a hen to "set" (set on eggs to hatch).  That is why we bought the "Three amigos", who were originally five amigos.  The original twelve old girls, "sex-links", are egg machines, and supposedly have the egg setting, bred out of them. 
Over the course we have had three roosters in hopes af kicking them in the motherly way.  Due to the excessive crowing we took two roosters to the auction last week.  In their absence, the remaining rooster decided to make up for the lack of noise, from 4 am till whenever.  Feeling as if the hatching eggs was not going to happen, and wanting to open our window for fresh spring air, we decided to take the lone cock to the auction also. 
The night before I was to box him up, I noticed a hen was on the nest at 6:00 pm.  I told Jane that that was rather late to be laying an egg.  We took him the next day, and we officially have a setting hen, one of the old girls. 
Hopefully by the time some of our grandchildren visit this summer, she will be scratching around and clucking with her brood. 
Sometimes, God waits till the last minute to bless us.

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