Monday, April 18, 2016

Cognitive Dissonance?

[My response to a commentary published in New Oxford Review]
My wife and I enjoy the NOR, and often wonder why people would threaten to discontinue this jolt of truth. Now we know, by printing articles that run rough shod on truth.  Feb New Oxford Notes, "Giving an Appearance of Solidity to Pure Wind"  did just that.  It could do quite well as a Neoconservative propaganda piece. Let me state emphaticly, that I am not "Under a hypnotic political spell of doublethink".  I think barbaric actions are possible of all peoples: Muslims, Christians, even Israelis.  I also know that we live in a time of false flags, and distorted perceptions.  I was shocked to read "cognitive dissonance" applied to those who dare question the official wind that our neoconservative controlled government has labeled as a solid block of truth. 

Your list of terrorist events attributed to Muslims is questionable.  Start with laying 3000 lives at the feet of turban clad Middle Easterners: "Muslims and their barbaric actions. Like those who were led by their hardcore theology to kill three thousand people on 9/11".   How may I ask, did they bring a 48 story sky scrapper down, Building 7, at the speed of gravity, without even hitting it with an airplane?  Fire-induced failure?  If this were the case, Building 7 is the first case of total structural collapse in high-rise buildings where fire played a role, EVER.”  This information is clearly discussed in a fifty page book: Beyond Misinformation, published by AE911Truth, which represents 2,353 verified architects and engineers.  They support a proper investigation, and publish findings, "Combined with structural damage from the airplane impacts in the case of WTC 1 and WTC 2, the three towers would also be the first fire-induced collapses to exhibit nearly all of the features of controlled demolition and none of the features of fire-induced collapse."  Did Muslims have access to these buildings, for enough time, to wire these buildings, but they get credited for the deaths?

And lets not forget all the terrorism produced by ISIS:  ISIS terrorists, trained by U.S. and Israeli?  Their rampage reportedly destroys Syrian assets, but turns a blind eye to Israeli and U.S. Assets.  Wounded ISIS leaders, have been tended-to by Israeli medics.  They could not have served Israel's objective better, if they were under Israeli command.  Former Presidential candidate, Pastor Chuck Baldwin agrees, "Compared to the threat that Neocons pose to world peace and the sheer numbers of people killed by Neocon-generated wars, (numbering into the millions of people), militant Muslims are like children playing with squirt guns in a sand box.  And this is the same reason the Neocons have set up ISIS, Al Nusra, et al. as proxy armies to take the war into Syria and eventually Iran."
The author also states, "We are expected to accept that we are the problem.  We are expected to accuse ourselves of being hateful Islamaphobes for simply pointing out the reality that terrorism is connected to Islam, that Islam inspires terrorists, and that significant chunks of Muslims hate their adopted Western nations..."  I believe we are part of the problem, not so much for being Islamaphobes, but for allowing our foreign policy to be hijacked by neoconservatives.  Paul Craig Roberts (Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan) bluntly wrote, “The remaining danger is the crazed American neoconservatives. I know many of them. They are completely insane ideologues. This inhuman filth has controlled the foreign policy of every US government since Clinton’s second term. But in waging all of these unconstitutional wars, the American war machine has taken the lives of millions of innocent men, women, and children--especially in the Middle East."  If the U.S.was to be invaded as we have done in Iraq and Afghanistan, they might be calling us Christian terrorists?

To make a claim "nearly 100 % of the terrorist acts have been committed by Muslims... Islam", is astounding.  What is your source?   A 2010 study from Duke and North Carolina charted FBI data: "All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t".  The FBI's figures showed 6 % of Terrorism was committed by Muslims.  Many of the post 9/11 "terrorists", also have had FBI, or other government handlers, in waiting.  With a neoconservative control of investigations, it is no surprise that both the Ft. Hood and San Bernardino attacks had eye witnesses report of seeing more shooters than the official report's conclude.

We do agree on the definition of Cognitive Dissonance: "in which one is compelled to disregard one's own perception in favor of the officially dictated narrative....",  but was it the pot that called the kettle black?

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