Monday, January 27, 2020

RT America: SOS

For the past nine months we have become quite the RT News fans.  We originally found them on You Tube, then on the Pluto channel, where we could watch them live.  We especially found, "The News with Rick Sanchez" to be unique, as they seemingly presented a news alternative, that was not agenda-driven as the Main Stream Media.  They coined their fresh, somewhat unbiased, approach with the catch phrase, "It's Time to do News Again!"  

RT is constantly critiquing the major networks, thereby virtue-signaling their sole persistence to journalistic excellence.  Their two main criticisms are context and crickets.  Stories that are presented to convince the viewer, without providing the full "Context" of the issue, isn't real news.  And they rightfully criticize the selective ignoring of an issue, that has apparent news worthiness: no coverage.  All you hear...."Crickets".  Rick Sanchez even presented, a few months ago, at the Ron Paul Liberty Report's D.C. Conference, we attended.  He was good.

At the beginning of each show, RT presents three questions which they think the viewers will be asking, after they watch Rick and his guests "drill down" on various topics.  Well, we have three questions we believe our readers may ask, after we do our own drilling.
  1. Does RT America have its own agenda?
  2. "Is RT anti-Catholic?  
  3.  Is RT America anti-Pro-Life? 
A couple months ago, Rick decided to "drill down" on celibacy in the Catholic Church.  His guest was some defrocked ex-Catholic Priest, supported by Rick's admitted "Catholic" misunderstanding of the need for celibacy.  "Context?"  After their hit-piece, I tried to contact their offices via Facebook,  to suggest several good  competent sources to present the real value in priestly celibacy:  No response.

This past Friday, "The March for Life" paraded several hundred thousand marchers, just a few blocks over from RT America's Washington Headquarters.  That evening, Rick went on for several minutes about the hundred thousand, that demonstrated in Iraq, to demand that the U.S. leave iraq.  This was a good story.  But, why wouldn't a crowd of three to five times as many, as a President of the United States, with all his security, for the first time in the March's forty-five year history, address this annual crowd "in person", not merit coverage?  "Crickets!"

My wife complained on their You Tube channel: No response.

RT America: "It's time to do the "Same Old Shit" again."

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