Monday, January 25, 2010

Its all about Population Control

Having done our weekly radio show the day after the Annual March for Life in Washington D.C., where 300,000 people clogged the streets for three hours, I found an answer the question: Why?

During this year's radio show we joked how Nellie Grey would invite one Neo-Con (Brownback) as pro-lifer, after another Neo-Con. Many of these pro-lifers had previously dropped the torch, and endorsed radical pro-aborts. But Nellie brings them back as "pro-lifers"? Having attended the March for probably twenty years, I have become disappointed in how Nellie, and her committee have allowed the March to become a political rally for Republicans stumping a strong pro-life message.

Just two years ago we were instrumental in barely arranging Ron Paul to be able to address the crowd. Was the resistance to Dr. Paul, that he was constitutionally pro-life? Was the problem with the congressman's message to drastically reduce our military industrial complex? It was both. The broader question might be what is their agenda, who pays the bills, and what is the source, that promotes population control?

Then there was the media black-out. The Washington Post completely ignored the crowd, yet the Washington Times covered the March on the front page. Why? Why does the more hawkish paper cover the pro-life hoards, whereas the pro-abortion paper kills a story that only incriminates the paper's credibility? The answer is population control, and it is a world agenda!

Controlling the human population is essential to maintain power. It is easiest with abortion. Killing 3,000 children a day is effective population control! Therefore those sanctioned pro-lifers, who espouse to support protecting human beings from slaughter, must however hold strong to the world master's ability to control the populace through the barrel of a gun. Disarmed individuals, with unchecked growth of the military, and the general removal of most basic liberties is the perfect recipe for global government. A politically minded individual who protects the rights of human life, will not receive recognition, unless he or she supports the world master's ability to place us in the cross hairs of their control trigger.

The world agenda, with its Central banking funding, and the media coverage, flows together only to those who can provide population control.

1 comment:

John C Orlando said...

I heard someone comment that "As a former fetus, I want to stand in support of all my fellow fetuses."

I've been thinking about this whole population control issue. The super elitists - the Bilderberger's, those attending the Bohemian Grove, secret societies - believe in war, abortion, disease, famine and other human sufferings to cull the population, hoping only the smartest and most resourceful will survive. Yet, our best men and women go to war and never return home.

I've been pondering if there is indeed a Judeao / Christian answer to population control?

It seems the answer lies outside our current understanding of a Capitalism and definitely outside of big government like Socialism. Our capitalism sometimes is based on pure greed (one of the 7 deadly sins). The profits of the company and CEO trump the benefits of the consumer. We don't serve our customers. We screw them for every dime we can wring out of them. -- See Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefèvre or Atlas Shrug by Ayan Rand -- Why find a cure for diabetes when doing so destroys the market for insulin. Shouldn't those people that make insulin have a job?? Consider all the doctors and nurses who care for diabetic patients. No we need diabetes to keep these people employed. -- such is the flawed reasoning.

It seems that our obsession with this form of capitalism will ultimate ruin us, thus the love of money becomes the root of all sins.

Consider an alternative...

What if auto executives and oil executives did not sit on each other's board? Road taxes were not based on oil sales. There was no "planned obsolescence". Used cars were repaired and not shredded. Then car manufactures could build cars that lasted a lifetime and they could be fueled with clean electricity or even water (YouTube it.. it could work). What if the CIA had not overthrown Mosaddeq in 1953 at the behest of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.

What if money was honest? And bankers did not rob us with fees, usury and ponzy schemes?

Imagine the saving. Imagine the quality of life!!

So how would population control work in a more Judeao/Christian society? I'm not sure yet.

But it seems that our population exploded with the advent of the industrial age. People lived closer together. People were out to screw each other and pillage the earth. The sacredness of life (both human and otherwise) was lost.

It seems if we could get back to the sacredness of life, blessing our customers and not raping, and living off the land. -- Then our quality of life would be tremendous.

Who has the most children now??

Those with a better standard of living spend time studying, improving their life, going to movies etcetera. They tend to have less children.

In the beginning. In Genesis we where told to care for the earth and animals and each other. "Yes" to answer Kane's angry question. We are our brother's keeper. And the earth and animals and the native Americans and native Inca's as well. (How I wish Cortez had not plundered Cusco's gold and the American settlers had honored the native Americans.)

Maybe then, through answers I don't fully understand yet, the issue of population control would resolve itself.

I'll keep questioning and pondering and trying to live out my responsibilities as a man.