Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Let's Get'er Done!

Last night my wife watched a DVD about a girl who blogged for a year, about J. C. (not sure of spelling), a famous woman who mixed humor and French cooking. It was entertaining and informative. She got to know the woman, even though they never met. She stabilized her life. She even wrote a book.
I have had this Blog since shortly after my run for office, so why not write? I have issues with which I could use some stability. And, I have always toyed with the idea of writing a book. Many published authors will say, "You need discipline, You need to make yourself write, everyday". So, why not?
The issues have already been entitled in this blog, "Truth vs. Credibility". Exposing the believable lies vs. the absolute truth, will be the year-long project. For my part, I will write every day,but here is the twist of faith. I know God is real, and I have waxed and waned in my sense of relationship with Him. I hope to use this daily blog as a means of reestablishing or deepening this relationship; not to preach, but to discuss Truth vs. Credibility. For His part, He may use me to do His will, and possibly show others that He is real, and He loves each one of us.
It may be coincidence that the catalyst, that got me to commit, had the initials, J.C. I believe that absolute truth has a name with the same initials, Jesus Christ. Therefore, we might think of this blog with a subtitle, Jesus Christ vs, believable political lies. With that agenda, we could end up anywhere. Starting with the quote for this blog title that came from a book about the legalized counterfeit robber-bankers, The Federal Reserve. Then, there is the lie that has paralysed our country and media, that has been countered by the 9-11 "Truthers". This could go anywhere.
This is Day 1. Only 364 days to go. Let's get'er done!

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