Thursday, December 15, 2011

"Towson State University vs. Jane Hargadon" NOT GUILTY!!!

Letter of appeal written to Towson. Court date 12-15-2011 "Towson State University vs. Jane Hargadon"

I received a parking citation at Towson University on October 19, 2011 for being parked in a handicapped access route. I had parked there after dropping my physically handicapped mother at Stephens Hall for a hearing test.

It was raining, and I made sure I had my disabled parking pass displayed as well as my receipt, obtained from the kiosk, as I was directed to do. When I parked the car I noticed the sign instructing not to block “access” (see photo 1). The parking on the opposite side of the street is parallel with traffic, and I parked head-in. I assumed that, “access” was referring to pulling in tight to keep from blocking traffic. I was shocked to find a ticket on my windshield when I returned to my car after my mom was done. A citation for $250.00 for something that I do not think is very clear!

If the parking space is to leave room for wheelchairs why not place concrete curbs or beams to indicate to the extent that cars are to pull in? (see photo 2). I have never appealed a ticket. I also have never experienced a parking area with this extensive pavement painting. I feel that the sign was vague and would suggest either placing physical restraints, or specify on the sign, that “access” refers to “handicapped access” where the hash marks are at the front of the parking spaces.

Thank you for considering my perspective.

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