Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Alzona Is the Obvious Pick!


Republican voters in the District 8 portion of Frederick County are fortunate in this upcoming election. For the hard core constitutional conservative who is tired of these endless wars, there is really only one choice: Gus Alzona.
Shelly Skolnick removes himself from the conservative pool by labeling himself as a moderate.
Timmerman openly preaches that we have been at war with Iran since the Jimmy Carter hostage days, and he is serious. One has to wonder what other countries we have been at war with, in Mr. Timmerman’s mind? Despite a conclusive report from the head of 16 intelligence agencies, that Iran is not a nuclear threat, Mr. Timmerman seems hell bent on making this perceived war a reality.
Mr. Wallace is your typical establishment republican. You know, the bunch who liked the way Ron Paul spoke of liberty, so they hijacked his tea party. They learned how to say “liberty”, but never managed to say “peace”. Wallace has received an endorsement from a state delegate for his position on national defense, but his issues page fails to mention what his position is. Could it be that his hawk feathers might sour some at his tea party?
Gus Alzona makes no attempts to dodge the issues. He is in the Ron Paul camp and wants our troops home. He has personally seen the evil that lurks in the belly of the Federal Reserve and he wants it exposed. He knows the state GOP machine, in that he has been on the Montgomery County Republican Central Committee for two terms. Gus is outspoken about the attack on our traditional morals, and as a first generation immigrant, he understands our nation’s immigration problem.
We have an opportunity in this new District 8 to send a peace loving conservative who understands that our government needs to be chained down by our constitution. Let’s win against Van Hollen Let’s win a seat for true liberty! Vote Gus Alzona.

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