Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Strike Two!

                                                                               June 27, 2012
Gary Kelly, CEO,
Southwest Airlines,
2702 Love Field Drive,
Dallas, TX 75235

Mr Kelly:

 My husband and I used to be frequent flyers up until about two years ago when TSA introduced the new scanners or pat-downs for those refusing to be x-rayed.  We have children and grandchildren living in Chicago, Dayton, Indianapolis and Nashville (we live in Maryland, and fly out of BWI).  All cities served by SWA and/or Air Tran.  We used to love to fly to visit them until, as I said, TSA got out of control.  We always said if we did not have to go through security manned by TSA we would love to fly again and your airline would be our choice.  That was until we received the latest edition of Life Decision International’s Boycott List and your company was on there.  Your company is there because donations made to Planned Parenthood.  I was shocked to learn that such a family oriented and customer friendly company such as yours would choose to donate to such a vile organization.  They are the largest abortion provider in the US, and they would like to be international.
 My husband and I are pro-life and try to boycott any company on the list.  Just recently Bob Evans was on the list and there was such an outcry from the pro-life crowd that they quickly changed their policy and now are off the list.  I implore you to do the same.
 Our children are planning to come to our home this year for Christmas and I will encourage them to give their money to another airline to travel here.  They will have lots of other options as your company is the only airline on the list.  Please stop funding Planned Parenthood!

Thank you for your time,

Jane Hargadon

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