Wednesday, March 21, 2012


When I was younger, I did the one thing that many residents in the Chesapeake Bay area dream of: I bought a boat. For many, the two happiest days are when you buy a boat, and when you sell it. Between those two days there is great fun, but there are also rules. One very common rule is: ”No Wake!”. Simply put, this means that if you race your engine which produces waves in creeks that damage docked boats or land areas, you will be held responsible. This damage can be significant enough that some land owners have built bulkheads in the water, to break the wave action before it reaches their docks.

We land owners also love to complain about the waves of tyranny, the swells of war, and economic white caps. Just as there are marine laws, there are government rules. Our constitution is our primary rule, and exists to avoid the damaging governmental wake. The constitution also provides a bulkhead, in our Bill of Rights, to protect us from our government.

This same sense of accountability for boaters sending walls of water onto people’s property, also applies to voters in electing “leaders” to represent us, and defend our constitution . If we elect candidates out of willful ignorance, laziness, or in defiance of our common sense, we become accomplices to government abuse and the destruction it creates. An obvious example is the Iraq War.

Only few, like Pope John Paul II or Ron Paul, spoke-out emphatically against this unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation. Now, many more try to distance themselves from this futile mistake: a mistake that has left over 115,000 civilians, (men, women and children) dead, just from violence in the anarchy that developed when we invaded Iraq, and dismantled their police force. We were lied to by our government, and terrorized by our main stream media (MSM). Ultimately, there were no weapons of mass destruction (WMD). There are indications that we were being sold this undeclared war, through later reported intelligence briefs, and the inability to find any WMD.

We will be held accountable by God for this destructive wake of humanity. If our upcoming vote is based solely on the tripe we are fed from the major media outlets, than we might consider not voting. We may have become MSM zombies, fed on a diet of partial truth, deletions, and lies. This crisis of truth spreads all the way to our national candidates. Mitt Romney, in a 2008 televised debate, stated that we went to war with Iraq because, “Iraq would not allow the U.N. inspectors into the country”. The truth is, we had to tell the inspectors to get out of Iraq, because the decision had been made that we were going to invade. Do you want this guy running our ship-of-state?

If we learned anything, it should be that we cannot trust the MSM. Before we vote, we need to educate ourselves, and do our own research. In Tuesday’s primary, Santorum is being sold as a fiscal and social conservative, when his record says different. He expanded the size of government five times, by voting to increase the debt ceiling. He sold-out his life principles when he endorsed pro-abort Specter over a proven pro-lifer. He voted for No Child Left Behind and Medicare Part B. He weakened our second amendment bulkhead with his endorsement of anti-gun Specter, and passed federal gun control schemes and regulations. He trashed our Bill of Rights by voting for the Patriot Act and re-authorizations, which removed our 4th amendment bulkhead. Santorum expressed delight with the assassination of scientists in sovereign nations, thereby taking a plank from the bulkhead of due process. If a candidate’s record does not fit the sales pitch, reject him. You will be responsible for the damage in his wake.

In Frederick County, our vote for president, may be as important as who we elect for the House of Representatives in the new 8th district. For the hard core Republican constitutional conservative, who is tired of these endless wars, there is really only one choice.

I believe Shelly Skolnick removes himself from the conservative pool, by labeling himself as a moderate. Timmerman openly preaches that we have been at war with Iran since the Jimmy Carter hostage days. One has to wonder what other countries we have been at war with? He boasts of being an “investigative reporter” as if that position is second only to the author of the Bible. I guess his investigation missed the report from the head of U.S. intelligence, James Clapper and16 U.S. intelligence agencies, that Iran is not a nuclear threat. He also believes the Patriot Act, which stripped our 4th amendment bulkhead, is necessary. Mr. Wallace is your typical establishment Republican. One of those who liked the way Ron Paul spoke of liberty, so they hijacked his tea party. They learned how to say “liberty”, but never managed to say “peace”.
Gus Alzona however, makes no attempts to dodge the issues. He agrees with Ron Paul to bring our troops home. He has personally seen the evil that lurks in the belly of the Federal Reserve and he wants it exposed. As a past two term Montgomery County Republican Central Committeeman, he knows the state GOP machine. Gus is outspoken about the attack on our traditional morals, and as a first generation immigrant, he understands our nation’s immigration problem.

Let’s stop this destructive governmental wake. Vote for candidates who will enforce our constitution, and insist on protection from our Bill of Rights.

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