Monday, April 29, 2019

Copulating With a Dead Chicken

Raising chickens for some forty-plus years has periodically reinforced my appreciation of human morals.  It started after allowing a hen to hatch-out a clutch of chicks.  The problem is: half are hens, and half are roosters.  As they mature, one rooster can normally service about a dozen hens, and a relationship of sort is formed.  So with too many roosters, each morning the hens stare at each other, to see whose turn it is, to be the first off of the roost, as the young cocks line-up to mate.  One quickly appreciates the difference with our human moral code.  This daily interplay becomes the impetuous to cull the flock, which has the added benefit of meat in the freezer.

I currently have two roosters.  The older cock, is a Rhode Island Red, services about 15 hens, and is a gentleman.  He eats only after the hens, keeps the peace amongst the hens, and keeps the younger rooster outside of the chicken run.  This younger rooster is the elder’s son, and he keeps a constant patrol, which also acts as a deterrent to keep the hens from flying-out, over the chicken-run fence.  The young rooster is walking the perimeter, hoping to chance upon a hen.  

Just recently, I checked the feeder in the coop, and noticed one of my older hens had died, which occasionally happens.  I didn’t have time to dispose of her, so I threw the carcass out of the coup, onto the barn floor, to take care of the body later. The next day, I went into the barn to search for something, and I heard some commotion.  I looked over to see the young rooster attempting to mate with the dead chicken.  He seemed to be having a grand time, but I put a stop to this perversion immediately.  I couldn’t believe this bird; it disgusted me.  In this case though, falling back on my appreciation of human society's morals, doesn’t seem to hold water.

Think about it.  Our young males may not be copulating with the dead, but break-out the cock films, the porn, or some other dead image of another human being.  Is it any different?  Thankfully we have laws to protect our young women as they come off of their roosts and move amongst us.  But what affect does copulating with dead images have on our young males’ ability to relate to our young women, or even a mixed gender group of live people, with souls?

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