Sunday, June 2, 2019

Deliberate Ignorance Is Not a Virtue!

Many in today's Catholic world of church corruption, turn a blind eye to negative reports of whatever is happening.  I guess, if they are unaware, they think they can simply plead "ignorance"?  This logic may be acceptable, if the source is not trustworthy; that is one with a history of spreading disinformation.  But, if the source has a track record of honesty: not so., Not so!

This intentional ignorance has been addressed in James 1: 18,  "And let every man be swift to hear but slow to speak and slow to anger."  I, like most of the members of today's scandal ridden "Church of Nice", only read the last two phrases of this admonition.  They seem to have skipped over the the first, "and let every man be swift to hear,"  Catholic media outlets like Church Militant, Life Site News, Taylor Marshall, The Remnant, etc. have a long record of honest reporting.  These same outlets are often painted with an "unacceptable" brush by the establishment Church.  This has resulted in many Catholics who are unaware of how thoroughly corrupt the current Roman Catholic Church is:  Priests and Bishops in hiding for fear of their lives, Vatican deals that have thrown the Church in China under a totalitarian bus,  a homosexual current that has infected many aspects of seminary formation, a Pope that has been credibly accused of heresy, and now a Pope that has been proven to be a liar.

Many apparently believe it is virtuous to avoid these Catholic news sources, to maintain their comfort in the pews.  It is not virtuous to avoid knowing the truth.  St. James says, "be swift to hear".

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