Saturday, February 13, 2010

The danger: A culture without a God or a Constitution

We ventured into D.C. today to hear Jim Traficant address a couple hundred patriots. The ex-Congressman had served seven years in prison for questionable crimes of corruption. He was most impressive with his principled outlook on our country's future. He painted a dangerous political climate that has been bought and sold by powerful lobbies. "Change is needed", he said, "but don't expect it to come from within. It must come from without, from us: a mandate from the people". He seems to have decided to run for Congress, and believes a third party is necessary. Because of his history of telling it like it is, attacking the IRS tax structure, and attempting to discuss the power wielded by the Israeli Lobby, he fully expects to draw unfavorable press. The Conference was presented by the American Free Press and it was great to see Mark Anderson, a reporter who had done a great interview on Collins Bailey and myself, when we ran for Congress. We knew a few other people, including a guy who had promised to send me a video on sedition, and why government officials should be charged with this crime. The truth was evident in the lack of any media coverage of the conference, during a time when reportable events in DC was a snow emergency.
Jane and I got lost two times, which is normal, for a trip into the District of Corruption. On the way, I luckily realized that Valentine's Day is February Tomorrow. I also received a phone call from a County official in the Republican Party, who invited me to address his meeting about the principles of the Constitution Party. He sees a need for the GOP to realize the party needs to move toward the third party movements that are gaining strength. Jane read a great commentary by Chuck Baldwin in which he compared our country to a ship without a rudder. He also painted a dangerous political environment that operates with no morals, and no restraints. No God and no constitution.

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