Sunday, February 14, 2010

Love: The Conscience of Credibility

St. Valentines Day is about Love. After thirty-five years of marriage, my wife and I have this holiday down to a science: "a card will be fine!" Thanks to my better half, the kids, grand kids, and parents, also get a card. I also love my friends, my patients, and others. I love God! I love our constitutional republic. I love gutsy people who have stood in the gap, out of faith, or patriotism. It is probably why I have been distracted recently by the courage of Debra Medina. This mother of three is making a stand against the most powerful cartel in the world, and the conservative talking heads call her a "loon". She is a martyr for the republic of stateS, and she deserves our financial assistance, our political support, and our love.

Love is also important in our instinctive discernment of Truth vs. Credibility. For those who believe in the second person of the triune God as Jesus Christ, know that He is Truth. For my friends who do not believe, I yield to their moral sense. For those who understand the New Testament, also know that God is Love. So we believers, could in fact, substitute Love for Truth, to look at Love vs. Credibility.

I am not referring to an emotional love, but a decision. A decision to want the very best for those that we love. The best for their purpose in life, and not necessarily the best of the nice things in this world. St. Paul connects love and truth in his famous definition of love in 1 Corinthians 13, "Love rejoices in the Truth." This should give us a clue. Our conscience should rest in peace, when it rests in the Truth. This inner joy may not be happiness, but possibly a sad peace. But, peace! When a situation concerning our love relationship, is presented to be credible, but we don't sense an inner joy, our lie alarm should go off. If our relationship to some one, or some group, is negatively affected by believing what is presented as credible, question it. Question the credible label as to truth, because it effects our love. For by accepting a lie as truth, we stop the love.

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